Episode 14
LiveView and Airtable with Ricardo Garcia Vega
September 22nd, 2020
37 mins 39 secs
About this Episode
Huge batch of news! Then we talk with Ricardo Garcia Vega about how he paired a Phoenix application with no database Repo to an Airtable backend to quickly solve a problem but without compromising on speed or reliability. Includes great discussion of ETS tables, GenServers for syncing a cache, LiveView for live updates, links to great resources, a github repo for doing it yourself and much more!
Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/14
Elixir Community News
- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqj39LCvnOWZl_Pb0Y7wGWijKbTvL4gJg – ElixirConf US 2020 Online keynote talks
- https://twitter.com/elixirlang/status/1305415089600835587 – Elixir v1.11.0-rc.0 released
- https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/003-elixir-1-11-preview-with-wojtek-mach/ – Discussion about new features in Elixir 1.11
- SpawnFest news
- https://github.com/spawnfest/continuum – New Queue system based on files and how email is organized
- https://github.com/spawnfest/shaker – Convert your rebar3 projects to mix
- https://github.com/spawnfest/beamwork – “Spotlight” Phoenix Live Dashboard graphs on Phoenix response times
- https://github.com/spawnfest/bakeware – Self-contained cross-platform executables for Elixir/Erlang
- https://github.com/spawnfest/livechart – “Uncharted” dependency-free LiveView-powered SVG charts
- https://twitter.com/codebeamio/status/1304370824573485056 – Static Typed Erlang from WhatsApp and Facebook
- https://codesync.global/uploads/media/activity_slides/0001/03/f2292f201aa6b04db8c4e0b9cfa191dd07c9ee14.pdf – Presentation slides about Static Typed Erlang
- https://www.elixirconf.eu/ – ElixirConf EU will be held 7-8 of October
- https://twitter.com/josevalim/status/1304399735445426176 – JIT comes to the ErlangVM
- https://github.com/erlang/otp/pull/2745 – PR that includes some interesting documentation and explanation
- https://github.com/erlang-ls/erlang_ls – An Erlang Language Server is now available
- https://elixirforum.com/t/try-erlfmt-today/34307 – erlfmt is an Erlang language syntax formatter
Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at show@thinkingelixir.com
Discussion Resources
- http://codeloveandboards.com/blog/2020/07/02/headless-cms-fun-with-phoenix-liveview-and-airtable-pt-1/
- http://codeloveandboards.com/blog/2020/07/11/headless-cms-fun-with-phoenix-liveview-and-airtable-pt-2/
- http://codeloveandboards.com/blog/2020/07/19/headless-cms-fun-with-phoenix-liveview-and-airtable-pt-3/
- http://codeloveandboards.com/blog/2020/07/27/headless-cms-fun-with-phoenix-liveview-and-airtable-pt-4/
- https://phoenixcms.herokuapp.com/
- https://github.com/bigardone/phoenix-cms
- https://cabify.com/es
- https://airtable.com/
- https://airtable.com/product
- https://elm-lang.org/
- https://webflow.com/
- https://elm-pages.com/
- https://github.com/teamon/tesla – The HTTP client used in his solution
- https://hexdocs.pm/phoenix_live_view/dom-patching.html#temporary-assigns
Guest Information
- https://twitter.com/bigardone – on Twitter
- https://github.com/bigardone/ – on Github
- http://codeloveandboards.com/ – Blog
Find us online
- Message the show - @ThinkingElixir
- Email the show - show@thinkingelixir.com
- Mark Ericksen - @brainlid
- David Bernheisel - @bernheisel
- Cade Ward - @cadebward