We found 3 episodes of Thinking Elixir Podcast with the tag “bandit”.
177: Thinking Elixir News
November 14th, 2023 | 13 mins
bandit, discord, elixir, livebook, news
News delves into Discord scaling with Elixir, Oban's Phoenix.PubSub update, a peek at LiveView Native tutorials for mobile dev, Livebook's Bandit endorsement, and more!
175: Thinking Elixir News
October 31st, 2023 | 20 mins 11 secs
bandit, elixir, news, webserver
News includes the major release of Bandit 1.0, upcoming dev experience improvements in Elixir v1.16, comparisons of Language Server alternatives, integration of Mistral with Bumblebee and the introduction of Permit – an authorization library for Phoenix apps, and more!