Episode 122

Securing Elixir and Teaching the Team


October 25th, 2022

45 mins 50 secs

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About this Episode

It’s important to learn safe coding practices. As developers, we want people to love our products and happily pay to use them. We also want to protect our services and users from hackers and information leaks. However, sometimes we unknowingly create vulnerabilities in our systems. One of the best ways to prevent problems is to train the team working on the project. To help do this, Holden Oullette started an OpenSource project called Elixir Secure Coding Training for teams. Livebook based, the lessons can be forked and customized for what’s relevant to our projects. Check out what's already available! There’s more work and lessons to create. People are invited to jump in and help out. The goal is to create an education and training resource for the Elixir community!

Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/122

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