Episode 196
Thinking Elixir News
April 2nd, 2024
21 mins 26 secs
About this Episode
This week's news includes the release of OTP 27.0-rc2 featuring the new json module, Phoenix Live reload's insightful update, and Chris McCord's blog post that surfaces server logs directly in your browser console. We're also discussing the streamlined workflows in Oban Pro 1.4.0, and a deeper discussion on recent Redis licensing changes that have sent ripples through the open-source community. If that's not enough, we've got insights into the refactoring Elixir survey that's underway and we share some innovative tools like the Livebook Smart Cell Template. Tune in for this and more!
Show Notes online - http://podcast.thinkingelixir.com/196
Elixir Community News
- https://twitter.com/michalmuskala/status/1770748066976424195 – Tweet announcing the release of OTP 27.0-rc2.
- https://github.com/erlang/otp/releases/tag/OTP-27.0-rc2 – GitHub link to OTP 27.0-rc2 release which includes the json module proposed by Michał Muskała.
- https://twitter.com/chris_mccord/status/1772631567568871575 – Chris McCord's tweet regarding the update to Phoenix Live Reload.
- https://fly.io/phoenix-files/phoenix-dev-blog-server-logs-in-the-browser-console/ – Blog post detailing updates to Phoenix Live Reload and server logs in the browser console.
- https://twitter.com/sorentwo/status/1771170601153003648 – Tweet announcing the release of Oban Pro 1.4.0.
- https://getoban.pro/releases/pro/v1.4 – Official release notes for Oban Pro 1.4.0.
- https://twitter.com/elixirfun/status/1770336803280556486 – Public service announcement for Logger users to avoid pipes that may be compiled out.
- https://elixirforum.com/t/logging-a-silent-performance-killer/3258 – Forum post discussing how purging loggers can aid in performance.
- https://twitter.com/ac_alejos/status/1770642763802952021 – Andrés Alejos shares his template for SmartCells with Vite JS and Tailwind Css support.
- https://github.com/acalejos/kino_smartcell_template/ – GitHub link to the SmartCell template for Livebook.
- https://hexdocs.pm/liveview_playground/0.1.1/readme.html – Documentation for the "simple setup" LiveView server running library.
- https://github.com/lubien/liveview_playground – GitHub repository for the library that simplifies setting up a LiveView server.
- https://twitter.com/josevalim/status/1770458542849339646 – José Valim's tweet inviting Elixir developers to participate in a survey on refactoring.
- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSey_cf-gsGSbqJ2un4ySlWv7Y3vzzzwZzexnC8sDr7pNPHQ8Q/viewform – Google Forms survey on refactoring in Elixir conducted by a team of researchers.
- https://twitter.com/lucasvegi/status/1770457760469057815 – Additional invitation to Elixir developers to contribute to a survey on refactorings.
- https://lwn.net/Articles/966133/ – Article discussing the change in the Redis license, which no longer qualifies as free software.
- https://www.gomomento.com/blog/rip-redis-how-garantia-data-pulled-off-the-biggest-heist-in-open-source-history – Blog post exploring the history of the Redis project and its recent licensing changes.
- https://andrewkelley.me/post/redis-renamed-to-redict.html – Post announcing a fork of Redis to Redict due to licensing issues.
- https://redict.io/ – Official website of Redict, the independent fork of Redis.
- http://antirez.com/news/133 – Creator of Redis, Salvatore Sanfillipo, discussing the transfer of IP and trademark rights.
Do you have some Elixir news to share? Tell us at @ThinkingElixir or email at show@thinkingelixir.com
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