David Bernheisel has hosted 235 Episodes.
19: Elixir and Art with Milada Majáková
October 27th, 2020 | 22 mins 18 secs
We cover the news then talk with Milada Majáková about combining Elixir and art. Milada came new to Elixir from Architecture and Graphic Design. We reject the idea that people are either logical or artistic but not both. She shares her journey,
18: TDD and Phoenix with German Velasco
October 20th, 2020 | 39 mins 6 secs
We cover the news then talk with German Velasco about his free book "Test-Driven Development with Phoenix". He shares his experiences of learning TDD at ThoughtBot, his writing process, tips and more. On TDD, we talk about the benefits we see,
17: JIT compiler for Beam with Lukas Larsson and John Högberg
October 13th, 2020 | 43 mins 55 secs
We cover the news then talk with Lukas Larsson and John Högberg to learn about the new BeamAsm project that brings a JIT compiler to Erlang OTP and Elixir. This is a very exciting development for all Beam languages and they break down for us what it is...
16: Gleam, Games and Types with Quinn Wilton
October 6th, 2020 | 43 mins 57 secs
We cover the news then talk with Quinn Wilton about Gleam, a static typed language on the BEAM and why Elixir devs should care about it. We learn about her Chip8 emulator that renders game ROMs to LiveView,
15: Inside Elixir Radar with Hugo Baraúna
September 29th, 2020 | 53 mins 6 secs
We cover the news then talk with Hugo Baraúna, the guy behind Elixir Radar, to get the inside scoop. Would you like to increase the chances of your blog post being featured by Elixir Radar? Hugo shares how!
14: LiveView and Airtable with Ricardo Garcia Vega
September 22nd, 2020 | 37 mins 39 secs
Huge batch of new then we talk with Ricardo Garcia Vega about how he paired a Phoenix application with no database Repo to an Airtable backend to quickly solve a problem but without compromising on speed or reliability.
13: Video chat using LiveView with Jesse Herrick
September 15th, 2020 | 37 mins 44 secs
We talk with Jesse Herrick about creating a video chat app using WebRTC and Phoenix LiveView. We cover the WebRTC protocol, how Phoenix helps, JS hooks, pushing events from the server and much more! Show Notes online - https://thinkingelixir.
12: All a Flutter over NIFs and Ports with Connor Rigby
September 8th, 2020 | 43 mins 55 secs
We catch up with Connor Rigby and learn about his recent Flutter work for Nerves. We take this opportunity to get his perspective on when to choose NIFs or Ports for native integrations, how to make NIFs more portable,
11: New Ecto features in 3.5 with Mike Binns
September 1st, 2020 | 32 mins 53 secs
Learning about some new features coming in Ecto 3.5 from Mike Binns. Mike explains Ecto.Enum, what a ParameterizedType is, the new "redact" option on fields and much more! Show Notes online - https://thinkingelixir.
10: Frontend vs Backend and Business Value of LiveView
August 25th, 2020 | 35 mins 16 secs
News and discussion about why the talk of "Frontend vs Backend" is wrong, Single Page Apps, seeing the business value of LiveView, and much more! Show Notes online - https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/010-frontend-vs-backend-and-business-...
9: Decomposing models with Maciej Kaszubowski
August 18th, 2020 | 47 mins 24 secs
Decomposing models based on lifecycle with Maciej Kaszubowski. He shares tips on finding the lines, how DDD can help, ideas for modular designs, simple ways to start a PubSub architecture, avoiding "donkey code" and much more!
8: Careers and Dev Environments
August 11th, 2020 | 39 mins 15 secs
We discuss career development as programmers, how COVID may change things, our dev setups including editors, resources, asdf, docker, and much more! Show Notes online - https://thinkingelixir.com/podcast-episodes/008-careers-and-dev-environments/