Thinking Elixir Podcast

News and interviews for the Elixir community

About the show

The Thinking Elixir podcast is a weekly show where we talk about the Elixir programming language and the community around it. We cover news and interview guests to learn more about projects and developments in the community.

Whether you are already experienced with Elixir or just exploring the language, this show is created with you in mind. We discuss community news, Functional Programming, transitioning from OOP, coding conventions, and more.

Guests visit the show to help challenge our assumptions, learn about new developments and grow in the process.

Subscribe to join us on this journey!

Thinking Elixir Podcast on social media


  • 87: Reviewing Elixir with José Valim - Part 2

    February 22nd, 2022  |  1 hr 6 mins
    anniversary, code formatter, elixir, testing, unicode

    José Valim returns for part 2 of 5 in the countdown to Elixir's 10 year anniversary! Part 2 covers releases 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6. Learned some great tips and even touched on upcoming features!

  • 86: SavvyCal and Indie SaaS with Derrick Reimer

    February 15th, 2022  |  50 mins 35 secs
    calendar, elixir, indie, saas, venture capital

    Derrick Reimer talks about Savvycal and how it’s built in Elixir. We talk about how simplicity and being nimble are competitive advantages. He shares what it’s like being an indie SaaS developer, what that means, and more!

  • 85: Computer Vision in Elixir with Cocoa Xu

    February 8th, 2022  |  27 mins 5 secs
    computer vision, elixir, nerves project, opencv, robotics

    We talk with Cocoa Xu about his PhD robotics project and his related Evision project that creates Elixir bindings to the OpenCV library making computer vision in Elixir much easier and more!

  • 84: LiveBeats with Chris McCord

    February 2nd, 2022  |  57 mins 52 secs
    accessibility, liveview, music, phoenix, web development

    Chris McCord created an awesome LiveView showcase project he used to help develop new features. Learn about LiveBeats and how it can be a great resource for the community!

  • 83: Zig and Zigler with Isaac Yonemoto

    January 25th, 2022  |  45 mins 43 secs
    cross-compiling, elixir, erlang, nifs, openapi, webasm, zig, zigler

    Isaac Yonemoto joins us to talk about Zig and Isaac's library Zigler. We learn where they both come from and discuss where the native, cross-compiling, NIF tool might go next and more!

  • 82: Reviewing Elixir with José Valim - Part 1

    January 18th, 2022  |  1 hr 13 secs
    changelog, elixir, features, releases

    José Valim joins us to kick off part 1 of a 5 part series counting down to the 10 year anniversary of Elixir! In Part 1, we cover the releases of 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3. We discuss the significant changes in each release and more!

  • 81: Elixir in a Burrito with Quinn and Digit

    January 11th, 2022  |  53 mins 44 secs
    burrito, security analysis, zig

    Quinn Wilton and Digit wrap up Elixir in the Burrito project making it easier to run Elixir projects in more environments! Burrito has a great origin story and possibilities for it's use. Check it out!

  • 80: Waffle Making with Boris Kuznetsov

    January 4th, 2022  |  32 mins 35 secs
    elixir, file attachments, phoenix, s3, thumbnail, uploads

    Boris Kuznetsov talks about the Waffle library, how it helps Elixir projects attach media to database records, how it started, it's role with LiveView, the challenges of maintaining a project created as a fork, and more!

  • 79: Collaborative Music in LiveView with Nathan Willson

    December 28th, 2021  |  44 mins 24 secs

    Nathan Willson talks about creating GEMS, his globally distributed, collaboratively edited, matrix sequencing audio application! He shows us how LiveView can do more than you might think!

  • 78: Logflare with Chase Granberry

    December 21st, 2021  |  40 mins 50 secs

    Chase Granberry talks about Logflare and how it’s written in Elixir and Phoenix. He shares how they use Elixir to bring logging and metrics to front-end focused devs without them knowing it. Also about Supabase acquiring Logflare!

  • 77: EMPEX Mtn and Starting Knock with Chris Bell

    December 14th, 2021  |  53 mins 24 secs

    Chris Bell talks about the EMPEX MTN conference, creating his startup "Knock" using Elixir, and shares some of his startup journey!

  • 76: Safe Ecto Migrations with David Bernheisel

    December 7th, 2021  |  36 mins 21 secs

    David Bernheisel talks about his recent Safe Ecto Migrations guide. It’s a 4-part series covering how Ecto migrations work, running them on production, common-task recipes, strategies for migrating data and much more!