Thinking Elixir Podcast

News and interviews for the Elixir community

About the show

The Thinking Elixir podcast is a weekly show where we talk about the Elixir programming language and the community around it. We cover news and interview guests to learn more about projects and developments in the community.

Whether you are already experienced with Elixir or just exploring the language, this show is created with you in mind. We discuss community news, Functional Programming, transitioning from OOP, coding conventions, and more.

Guests visit the show to help challenge our assumptions, learn about new developments and grow in the process.

Subscribe to join us on this journey!

Thinking Elixir Podcast on social media


  • 99: Slipstream and Tree-Sitter with Michael Davis

    May 17th, 2022  |  43 mins 49 secs
    channels, elixir, parser, phoenix, syntax, tree-sitter, websockets
  • 98: Elixir in the iOS App Store with Dominic Letz

    May 10th, 2022  |  47 mins 26 secs
    blockchain, cross platform, desktop, elixir, live view, mobile
  • 97: Avro and Elixir with Dave Lucia

    May 3rd, 2022  |  48 mins 36 secs
    apache, avro, data lake, elixir, kafka, spark

    Dave Lucia explains avro_ex, a library that helps Elixir hook into the JVM world of Kafka, Avro, Spark and data lakes. An overview of the tools and flow we may be asked to integrate our systems with.

  • 96: Reviewing Elixir with José Valim - Part 4

    April 26th, 2022  |  1 hr 18 mins
    configuration, elixir, erlang, exceptions, otp, structs

    José Valim in part 4 of 5 as we countdown to Elixir's 10 year anniversary! We cover 1.10, 1.11, and 1.12. Insights into Erlang’s design and history and how that impacts Elixir along with teases of upcoming things in 1.14!

  • 95: Rustler Precompiled with Philip Sampaio

    April 19th, 2022  |  38 mins 54 secs
    ci, cross-platform, libraries, precompile, rust, rustler

    Philip Sampaio explains the Rustler Precompiled project and how its easier to use Rust libraries for NIFs in Elixir. We discuss what it means for internal company projects, libraries and much more!

  • 94: Benchee and OpenSource with Tobias Pfeiffer

    April 12th, 2022  |  1 hr 22 secs
    benchmark, elixir, performance

    Tobias Pfeiffer talks about his popular performance benchmark tool Benchee. He explains why a single bug fix took so long, caused so much pain, and we discuss how many of us deal with similar challenges.

  • 93: Preventing Service Abuse with Michael Lubas

    April 5th, 2022  |  52 mins 37 secs
    abuse, credit card fraud, elixir, plug_attack, security

    We talk with Michael Lubas about steps we can take to protect our Phoenix applications from common automated bot attacks.

  • 92: Temple with Mitchell Hanberg

    March 29th, 2022  |  48 mins 19 secs
    browsers, elixir, templates, testing, wallaby

    Mitchell Hanberg talks about his Temple library for creating alternate Phoenix markup templates and the Wallaby browser testing project that he now maintains.

  • 91: Reviewing Elixir with José Valim - Part 3

    March 22nd, 2022  |  59 mins 20 secs
    anniversary, elixir, erlang, inspect, protocols, releases

    José Valim returns to continue with part 3 of our 5 part series as we count down to the 10 year anniversary. We thought this would be a short episode but found there was a lot to talk about and learn!

  • 90: Elixir Cards with Tetiana Dushenkivska

    March 15th, 2022  |  42 mins 19 secs
    elixir, flashcards, learning, liveview, meetup

    Tetiana Dushenkivska talks about how she created Elixir Cards and why. She shares how LiveView plays a role, how the flashcards can be used for both personal learning and fun competitions!

  • 89: Reducing the Friction in Your Flow

    March 8th, 2022  |  49 mins 3 secs
    api, application design, clustering, distributed computing, elixir, friction, postgres, read replicas

    We talk about the business value and personal happiness received when reducing the friction in our applications. It starts with the application design and LiveView plays a big role!

  • 88: Phoenix Debug Toolbar and LiveView Forms with Michael Crumm

    March 1st, 2022  |  53 mins 1 sec
    debug toolbar, elixir, forms, liveview, phoenix, phoenix live dashboard

    Michael Crumm talks about his new project PhoenixProfiler that helps profile performance, expose route info, show crash info and more. We also talk about his work to improve LiveView forms!